Marvel – Mission Arena – Theme Deck: Avengers

119,95 kr.

MARVEL Mission Arena Trading Card Game is the brand new collectible card game created by Cicaboom.
Each card is both a collector’s item and a game tool. Extremely well-kept illustrations of the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe transform all the cards into unmissable objects that contain all the game functions.
The Avengers Starter Deck, in the Hulk Edition version, contains:
  • 55 cards + the secret holographic Hulk card! All cards are exclusive (you won’t find them in the foil bags)!
  • 1 deck holder
  • 1 rulebook
  • 1 set of 7 guide cards to quickly learn the Special Abilities
  • 1 game board for a single player
  • 24 bonus markers (Attack, Defense and Resistance)
  • 1 Check list

4 in stock